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Guanduania Condemns Human Trafficking and its Causes

It is with great pain that the State of Guanduania has learnt of the death of eight people  Sunday inside a sweltering tractor trailer parked at a Walmart store in San Antonio, Texas by ruthless human traffickers.

Why human trafficking? Because of border barriers. Nations don't want strangers to come to their lands, so they make their countries into fortresses. But those who want to come still find a way to get in even if it means death or injury in the process. Traffic gangs feed on the willingness of the immigrant to loose everything to get to the greener pastures.

Guanduania calls all the nations of the earth especially the richest ones to open borders and let people in. Those people who want to get in have reasons why they want to get in. After all we are on the same planet, in the same universe. Let people go and come as they wish.

You have no shame, you who call yourselves democrats, lovers of freedoms to see people die on your shores trying to get in? Yet you pass over those corpses and travel the world to teach about freedoms in what you call the third world.

It's a shame for people to die in a truck in your country being smuggled as if it was a crime to walk on the earth they were born on.

We call on all governments to facilitate the movement of peoples as they go from place to place in search of a better life.

We condemn those governments who build walls to prevent others to get in.

You did not create the earth, why refuse people to tread where they want?

No more death of immigrants in traffickers trucks

No more death of immigrants in the seas

No more people without documents

The world is for us all, let people live wherever they want on the face of the earth.

We in Guanduania we have open borders policy, anyone can  come and live and work in Guanduania. 

Nobody dies trying to enter Guanduania, nobody dies asphyxiated in a truck while being smuggled to enter Guanduania, no "sans papiers" in Guanduania. Yet we are able to maintain social harmony and state security.

Learn from us.

Guanduania Condemns Human Trafficking and its Causes
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