Search State of Guanduania


            OF WILD FAUNA AND FLORA (1973); as amended 1979, 
                and provisionally at Gaborone 30 Apr 1983
           With Appendices (I and II, 16 Apr 93; III, 11 Jun 92)


The Contracting States,

RECOGNIZING that wild fauna and flora in their many beautiful and varied
forms are an irreplaceable part of the natural systems of the earth which
must be protected for this and the generations to come;

CONSCIOUS of the ever-growing value of wild fauna and flora from
aesthetic, scientific, cultural, recreational and economic points of

RECOGNIZING that peoples and States are and should be the best protectors
of their own wild fauna and flora;

RECOGNIZING, in addition, that international cooperation is essential for
the protection of certain species of wild fauna and flora against
overexploitation through international trade;

CONVINCED of the urgency of taking appropriate measures to this end;

HAVE AGREED as follows:

                                 Article I


For the purpose of the present Convention, unless the context otherwise

 a)   "Species" means any species, sub-species, or geographically
      separate population thereof;

 b)   "Specimen" means:

      (i)   an animal or plant, whether alive or dead;
      (ii)  in the case of an animal: for species included in Appendices
            I and II, any readily recognizable part or derivative
            thereof; and for species included in Appendix III, any
            readily recognizable part or derivative thereof specified in
            Appendix III in relation to the species; and
    (iii)   in the case of a plant: for species included in Appendix I,
            any readily recognizable part or derivative thereof; and for
            species included in Appendices II and III, any readily
            recognizable part or derivative thereof specified in
            Appendices II and III in relation to the species;

 c)   "Trade" means export, re-export, import and introduction from the

 d)   "Re-export" means export of any specimen that has previously been

 e)   "Introduction from the sea" means transportation into a State of
      specimens of any species which were taken in the marine environment
      not under the jurisdiction of any State;

 f)   "Scientific Authority" means a national scientific authority
      designated in accordance with Article IX;

 g)   "Management Authority" means a national management authority
      designated in accordance with Article IX;

 h)   "Party" means a State for which the present Convention has entered
      into force.

                                 Article II

                           FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES

1. Appendix I shall include all species threatened with extinction which
are or may be affected by trade. Trade in specimens of these species must
be subject to particularly strict regulation in order not to endanger
further their survival and must only be authorized in exceptional

2. Appendix II shall include:

 a)   all species which although not necessarily now threatened with
      extinction may become so unless trade in specimens of such species
      is subject to strict regulation in order to avoid utilization
      incompatible with their survival; and

 b)   other species which must be subject to regulation in order that
      trade in specimens of certain species referred to in subparagraph
      (a) of this paragraph may be brought under effective control.

3. Appendix III shall include all species which any Party identifies as
being subject to regulation within its jurisdiction for the purposes of
preventing or restricting exploitation, and as needing the cooperation of
other parties in the control of trade.

4. The Parties shall not allow trade in specimens of species included in
Appendices I, II and III except in accordance with the provisions of the
present Convention.

                             Article III

                       INCLUDED IN APPENDIX I

1. All trade in specimens of species included in Appendix I shall be in
accordance with the provisions of this Article.

2. The export of any specimen of a species included in Appendix I shall
require the prior grant and presentation of an export permit. An export
permit shall only be granted when the following conditions have been met:

 a)   a Scientific Authority of the State of export has advised that such
      export will not be detrimental to the survival of that species;

 b)   a Management Authority of the State of export is satisfied that the
      specimen was not obtained in contravention of the laws of that
      State for the protection of fauna and flora;

 c)   a Management Authority of the State of export is satisfied that any
      living specimen will be so prepared and shipped as to minimize the
      risk of injury, damage to health or cruel treatment; and

 d)   a Management Authority of the State of export is satisfied that an
      import permit has been granted for the specimen.

3. The import of any specimen of a species included in Appendix I shall
require the prior grant and presentation of an import permit and either
an export permit or a re-export certificate. An import permit shall only
be granted when the following conditions have been met:

 a)   a Scientific Authority of the State of import has advised that the
      import will be for purposes which are not detrimental to the
      survival of the species involved;

 b)   a Scientific Authority of the State of import is satisfied that the
      proposed recipient of a living specimen is suitably equipped to
      house and care for it; and

 c)   a Management Authority of the State of import is satisfied that the
      specimen is not to be used for primarily commercial purposes.

4. The re-export of any specimen of a species included in Appendix I
shall require the prior grant and presentation of a reexport certificate.
A re-export certificate shall only be granted when the following
conditions have been met:

 a)   a Management Authority of the State of re-export is satisfied that
      the specimen was imported into that State in accordance with the
      provisions of the present Convention;

 b)   a Management Authority of the State of re-export is satisfied that
      any living specimen will be so prepared and shipped as to minimize
      the risk of injury, damage to health or cruel treatment; and

 c)   a Management Authority of the State of re-export is satisfied that
      an import permit has been granted for any living specimen.

5. The introduction from the sea of any specimen of a species included in
Appendix I shall require the prior grant of a certificate from a
Management Authority of the State of introduction. A certificate shall
only be granted when the following conditions have been met:

 a)   a Scientific Authority of the State of introduction advises that
      the introduction will not be detrimental to the survival of the
      species involved;

 b)   a Management Authority of the State of introduction is satisfied
      that the proposed recipient of a living specimen is suitably
      equipped to house and care for it; and

 c)   a Management Authority of the State of introduction is satisfied
      that the specimen is not to be used for primarily commercial

                                 Article IV

                          INCLUDED IN APPENDIX II

1. All trade in specimens of species included in Appendix II shall be in
accordance with the provisions of this Article.

2. The export of any specimen of a species included in Appendix II shall
require the prior grant and presentation of an export permit. An export
permit shall only be granted when the following conditions have been met:
 a)   a Scientific Authority of the State of export has advised that such
      export will not be detrimental to the survival of that species;

 b)   a Management Authority of the State of export is satisfied that the
      specimen was not obtained in contravention of the laws of that
      State for the protection of fauna and flora; and

 c)   a Management Authority of the State of export is satisfied that any
      living specimen will be so prepared and shipped as to minimize the
      risk of injury, damage to health or cruel treatment.

3. A Scientific Authority in each Party shall monitor both the export
permits granted by that State for specimens of species included in
Appendix II and the actual exports of such specimens. Whenever a
Scientific Authority determines that the export of specimens of any such
species should be limited in order to maintain that species throughout
its range at a level consistent with its role in the ecosystems in which
it occurs and well above the level at which that species might become
eligible for inclusion in Appendix I, the Scientific Authority shall
advise the appropriate Management Authority of suitable measures to be
taken to limit the grant of export permits for specimens of that species.

4. The import of any specimen of a species included in Appendix II shall
require the prior presentation of either an export permit or a re-export

5. The re-export of any specimen of a species included in Appendix II
shall require the prior grant and presentation of a reexport certificate.
A re-export certificate shall only be granted when the following
conditions have been met:

 a)   a Management Authority of the State of re-export is satisfied that
      the specimen was imported into that State in accordance with the
      provisions of the present Convention; and

 b)   a Management Authority of the State of re-export is satisfied that
      any living specimen will be so prepared and shipped as to minimize
      the risk of injury, damage to health or cruel treatment.

6. The introduction from the sea of any specimen of a species included in
Appendix II shall require the prior grant of a certificate from a
Management Authority of the State of introduction. A certificate shall
only be granted when the following conditions have been met:

 a)   a Scientific Authority of the State of introduction advises that
      the introduction will not be detrimental to the survival of the
      species involved; and

 b)   a Management Authority of the State of introduction is satisfied
      that any living specimen will be so handled as to minimize the risk
      of injury, damage to health or cruel treatment.

7. Certificates referred to in paragraph 6 of this Article may be granted
on the advice of a Scientific Authority, in consultation with other
national scientific authorities or, when appropriate, international
scientific authorities, in respect of periods not exceeding one year for
total numbers of specimens to be introduced in such periods.

                              Article V


1. All trade in specimens of species included in Appendix III shall be in
accordance with the provisions of this Article.

2. The export of any specimen of a species included in Appendix III from
any State which has included that species in Appendix III shall require
the prior grant and presentation of an export permit. An export permit
shall only be granted when the following conditions have been met:

 a)   a Management Authority of the State of export is satisfied that the
      specimen was not obtained in contravention of the laws of that
      State for the protection of fauna and flora; and

 b)   a Management Authority of the State of export is satisfied that any
      living specimen will be so prepared and shipped as to minimize the
      risk of injury, damage to health or cruel treatment.

3. The import of any specimen of a species included in Appendix III shall
require, except in circumstances to which paragraph 4 of this Article
applies, the prior presentation of a certificate of origin and, where the
import is from a State which has included that species in Appendix III,
an export permit.

4. In the case of re-export, a certificate granted by the Management
Authority of the State of re-export that the specimen was processed in
that State or is being re-exported shall be accepted by the State of
import as evidence that the provisions of the present Convention have
been complied with in respect of the specimen concerned.

                                 Article VI

                          PERMITS AND CERTIFICATES

1. Permits and certificates granted under the provisions of Articles III,
IV and V shall be in accordance with the provisions of this Article.

2. An export permit shall contain the information specified in the model
set forth in Appendix IV, and may only be used for export within a period
of six months from the date on which it was granted.

3. Each permit or certificate shall contain the title of the present
Convention, the name and any identifying stamp of the Management
Authority granting it and a control number assigned by the Management

4. Any copies of a permit or certificates issued by a Management
Authority shall be clearly marked as copies only and no such copy may be
used in place of the original, except to the extent endorsed thereon.

5. A separate permit or certificate shall be required for each
consignment of specimens.

6. A Management Authority of the State of import of any specimen shall
cancel and retain the export permit or re-export certificate and any
corresponding import permit presented in respect of the import of that

7. Where appropriate and feasible a Management Authority may affix a mark
upon any specimen to assist in identifying the specimen. For these
purposes "mark" means any indelible imprint, lead seal or other suitable
means of identifying a specimen, designed in such a way as to render its
imitation by unauthorized persons as difficult as possible.

                              Article VII

                           RELATING TO TRADE

1. The provisions of Articles III, IV and V shall not apply to the
transit or trans-shipment of specimens through or in the territory of a
Party while the specimens remain in Customs control.

2. Where a Management Authority of the State of export or reexport is
satisfied that a specimen was acquired before the provisions of the
present Convention applied to that specimen, the provisions of Articles
III, IV and V shall not apply to that specimen where the Management
Authority issues a certificate to that effect.

3. The provisions of Articles III, IV and V shall not apply to specimens
that are personal or household effects. This exemption shall not apply

 a)   in the case of specimens of a species included in Appendix I, they
      were acquired by the owner outside his State of usual residence,
      and are being imported into that State; or

 b)   in the case of specimens of species included in Appendix II:

     (i)    they were acquired by the owner outside his State of usual
            residence and in a State where removal from the wild
    (ii)    they are being imported into the owner's State of usual
            residence; and
   (iii)    the State where removal from the wild occurred requires the
            prior grant of export permits before any export of such

unless a Management Authority is satisfied that the specimens were
acquired before the provisions of the present Convention applied to such

4. Specimens of an animal species included in Appendix I bred in
captivity for commercial purposes, or of a plant species included in
Appendix I artificially propagated for commercial purposes, shall be
deemed to be specimens of species included in Appendix II.

5. Where a Management Authority of the State of export is satisfied that
any specimen of an animal species was bred in captivity or any specimen
of a plant species was artificially propagated, or is a part of such an
animal or plant or was derived therefrom, a certificate by that
Management Authority to that effect shall be accepted in lieu of any of
the permits or certificates required under the provisions of Articles
III, IV or V.

6. The provisions of Articles III, IV and V shall not apply to the
non-commercial loan, donation or exchange between scientists or
scientific institutions registered by a Management Authority of their
State, of herbarium specimens, other preserved, dried or embedded museum
specimens, and live plant material which carry a label Issued or approved
by a Management Authority.

7. A Management Authority of any State may waive the requirements of
Articles III, IV and V and allow the movement without permits or
certificates of specimens which form part of a travelling zoo, circus,
menagerie, plant exhibition or other travelling exhibition provided that:

 a)   the exporter or importer registers full details of such specimens
      with that Management Authority;

 b)   the specimens are in either of the categories specified in
      paragraphs 2 and 5 of this Article; and

 c)   the Management Authority is satisfied that any living specimen will
      be so transported and cared for as to minimize the risk of injury,
      damage to health or cruel treatment.

                             Article VIII


1. The Parties shall take appropriate measures to enforce the provisions
of the present Convention and to prohibit trade in specimens in violation
thereof. These shall include measures:

 a)   to penalize trade in, or possession of, such specimens, or both;

 b)   to provide for the confiscation or return to the State of export of
      such specimens.

2. In addition to the measures taken under paragraph 1 of this Article a
Party may, when it deems it necessary, provide for any method of internal
reimbursement for expenses incurred as a result of the confiscation of a
specimen traded in violation of the measures taken in the application of
the provisions of the present Convention.

3. As far as possible, the Parties shall ensure that specimens shall pass
through any formalities required for trade with a minimum of delay. To
facilitate such passage, a Party may designate ports of exit and ports of
entry at which specimens must be presented for clearance. The Parties
shall ensure further that all living specimens, during any period of
transit, holding or shipment, are properly cared for so as to minimize
the risk of injury, damage to health or cruel treatment.

4. Where a living specimen is confiscated as a result of measures
referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article:

 a)   the specimen shall be entrusted to a Management Authority of the
      State of confiscation;

 b)   the Management Authority shall, after consultation with the State
      of export, return the specimen to that State at the expense of that
      State, or to a rescue centre or such other place as the Management
      Authority deems appropriate and consistent with the purposes of the
      present Convention; and

 c)   the Management Authority may obtain the advice of a Scientific
      Authority, or may, wherever it considers it desirable, consult the
      Secretariat in order to facilitate the decision under sub-paragraph
      (b) of this paragraph, including the choice of a rescue centre or
      other place.

5. A rescue centre as referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article means an
institution designated by a Management Authority to look after the
welfare of living specimens, particularly those that have been

6. Each Party shall maintain records of trade in specimens of species
included in Appendices I, II and III which shall cover:

 a)   the names and addresses of exporters and importers; and

 b)   the number and type of permits and certificates granted; the States
      with which such trade occurred; the numbers or quantities and types
      of specimens, names of species as included in Appendices I, II and
      III and, where applicable, the size and sex of the specimens in

7. Each Party shall prepare periodic reports on its implementation of the
present Convention and shall transmit to the Secretariat:

 a)   an annual report containing a summary of the information specified
      in sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph 6 of this Article; and

 b)   a biennial report on legislative, regulatory and administrative
      measures taken to enforce the provisions of the present Convention.

8. The information referred to in paragraph 7 of this Article shall be
available to the public where this is not inconsistent with the law of
the Party concerned.

                               Article IX


1. Each Party shall designate for the purposes of the present Convention:

 a)   one or more Management Authorities competent to grant permits or
      certificates on behalf of that Party; and

 b)   one or more Scientific Authorities.

2. A State depositing an instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval
or accession shall at that time inform the Depositary Government of the
name and address of the Management Authority authorized to communicate
with other Parties and with the Secretariat.

3. Any changes in the designations or authorizations under the provisions
of this Article shall be communicated by the Party concerned to the
Secretariat for transmission to all other Parties.

4. Any Management Authority referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article
shall if so requested by the Secretariat or the Management Authority of
another Party, communicate to it impression of stamps, seals or other
devices used to authenticate permits or certificates.

                                Article X


Where export or re-export is to, or import is from, a State not a Party
to the present Convention, comparable documentation issued by the
competent authorities in that State which substantially conforms with the
requirements of the present Convention for permits and certificates may
be accepted in lieu thereof by any Party.

                               Article XI

                        CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES

1. The Secretariat shall call a meeting of the Conference of the Parties
not later than two years after the entry into force of the present

2. Thereafter the Secretariat shall convene regular meetings at least
once every two years, unless the Conference decides otherwise, and
extraordinary meetings at any time on the written request of a least
one-third of the Parties.

3. At meetings, whether regular or extraordinary, the Parties shall
review the implementation of the present Convention and may:

 a)   make such provision as may be necessary to enable the Secretariat
      to carry out its duties, and adopt financial provisions;

 b)   consider and adopt amendments to Appendices I and II in accordance
      with Article XV;

 c)   review the progress made towards the restoration and conservation
      of the species included in Appendices I, II and III;

 d)   receive and consider any reports presented by the Secretariat or by
      any Party; and

 e)   where appropriate, make recommendations for improving the
      effectiveness of the present Convention.

4. At each regular meeting, the Parties may determine the time and venue
of the next regular meeting to be held in accordance with the provisions
of paragraph 2 of this Article.

5. At any meeting, the Parties may determine and adopt rules of procedure
for the meeting.

6. The United Nations, its Specialized Agencies and the International
Atomic Energy Agency, as well as any State not a Party to the present
Convention, may be represented at meetings of the Conference by
observers, who shall have the right to participate but not to vote.

7. Any body or agency technically qualified in protection, conservation
or management of wild fauna and flora, in the following categories, which
has informed the Secretariat of its desire to be represented at meetings
of the Conference by observers, shall be admitted unless at least
one-third of the Parties present object:

 a)   international agencies or bodies, either governmental or
      non-governmental, and national governmental agencies and bodies;

 b)   national non-governmental agencies or bodies which have been
      approved for this purpose by the State in which they are located.

Once admitted, these observers shall have the right to participate but
not to vote.

                              Article XII

                            THE SECRETARIAT

1. Upon entry into force of the present Convention, a Secretariat shall
be provided by the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment
Programme. To the extent and in the manner he considers appropriate, he
may be assisted by suitable intergovernmental or non-governmental
international or national agencies and bodies technically qualified in
protection, conservation and management of wild fauna and flora.

2. The functions of the Secretariat shall be:

 a)   to arrange for and service meetings of the Parties;

 b)   to perform the functions entrusted to it under the provisions of
      Articles XV and XVI of the present Convention;

 c)   to undertake scientific and technical studies in accordance with
      programmes authorized by the Conference of the Parties as will
      contribute to the implementation of the present Convention,
      including studies concerning standards for appropriate preparation
      and shipment of living specimens and the means of identifying

 d)   to study the reports of Parties and to request from Parties such
      further information with respect thereto as it deems necessary to
      ensure implementation of the present Convention;

 e)   to invite the attention of the Parties to any matter pertaining to
      the aims of the present Convention;

 f)   to publish periodically and distribute to the Parties current
      editions of Appendices I, II and III together with any information
      which will facilitate identification of specimens of species
      included in those Appendices.

 g)   to prepare annual reports to the Parties on its work and on the
      implementation of the present Convention and such other reports as
      meetings of the Parties may request;

 h)   to make recommendations for the implementation of the aims and
      provisions of the present Convention, including the exchange of
      information of a scientific or technical nature;

 i)   to perform any other function as may be entrusted to it by the

                              Article XIII

                          INTERNATIONAL MEASURES

1. When the Secretariat in the light of information received is satisfied
that any species included in Appendices I or II is being affected
adversely by trade in specimens of that species or that the provisions of
the present Convention are not being effectively implemented, it shall
communicate such information to the authorized Management Authority of
the Party or Parties concerned.

2. When any Party receives a communication as indicated in paragraph 1 of
this Article, it shall, as soon as possible, inform the Secretariat of
any relevant facts insofar as its laws permit and, where appropriate,
propose remedial action. Where the Party considers that an inquiry is
desirable, such inquiry may be carried out by one or more persons
expressly authorized by the Party.

3. The information provided by the Party or resulting from any inquiry as
specified in paragraph 2 of this Article shall be reviewed by the next
Conference of the Parties which may make whatever recommendations it
deems appropriate.

                                Article XIV

                         INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS

1. The provisions of the present Convention shall in no way affect the
right of Parties to adopt:

 a)   stricter domestic measures regarding the conditions for trade,
      taking, possession or transport of specimens of species included in
      Appendices I, II and III, or the complete prohibition thereof; or

 b)   domestic measures restricting or prohibiting trade, taking
      possession, or transport of species not included in Appendices I,
      II or III.

2. The provisions of the present Convention shall in no way affect the
provisions of any domestic measures or the obligations of Parties
deriving from any treaty, convention, or international agreement relating
to other aspects of trade, taking, possession, or transport of specimens
which is in force or subsequently may enter into force for any Party
including any measure pertaining to the Customs, public health,
veterinary or plant quarantine fields.

3. The provisions of the present Convention shall in no way affect the
provisions of, or the obligations deriving from, any treaty, convention
or international agreement concluded or which may be concluded between
States creating a union or regional trade agreement establishing or
maintaining a common external customs control and removing customs
controls between the parties thereto insofar as they relate to trade
among the States members of that union or agreement.

4. A State Party to the present Convention, which is also a Party to any
other treaty, convention or international agreement which is in force at
the time of the coming into force of the present Convention and under the
provisions of which protection is afforded to marine species included in
Appendix II, shall be relieved of the obligations imposed on it under the
provisions of the present Convention with respect to trade in specimens
of species included in Appendix II that are taken by ships registered in
that State and in accordance with the provisions of such other treaty,
convention or international agreement.

5. Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles III, IV and V, any export
of a specimen taken in accordance with paragraph 4 of this Article shall
only require a certificate from a Management Authority of the State of
introduction to the effect that the specimen was taken in accordance with
the provisions of the other treaty, convention or international agreement
in question.

6. Nothing in the present Convention shall prejudice the codification and
development of the law of the sea by the United Nations Conference on the
Law of the Sea convened pursuant to Resolution 2750 C (XXV) of the
General Assembly of the United Nations nor the present or future claims
and legal views of any State concerning the law of the sea and the nature
and extent of coastal and flag State jurisdiction.

                               Article XV


1. The following provisions shall apply in relation to amendments to
Appendices I and II at meetings of the Conference of the Parties:

 a)   Any Party may propose an amendment to Appendix I or II for
      consideration at the next meeting. The text of the proposed
      amendment shall be communicated to the Secretariat at least 150
      days before the meeting. The Secretariat shall consult the other
      Parties and interested bodies on the amendment in accordance with
      the provisions of sub-paragraphs (b) and (c) of paragraph 2 of this
      Article and shall communicate the response to all Parties not later
      than 30 days before the meeting.

 b)   Amendments shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of Parties
      present and voting. For these purposes "Parties present and voting"
      means Parties present and casting an affirmative or negative vote.
      Parties abstaining from voting shall not be counted among the
      two-thirds required for adopting an amendment.

 c)   Amendments adopted at a meeting shall enter into force 90 days
      after that meeting for all Parties except those which make a
      reservation in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article.

2. The following provisions shall apply in relation to amendments to
Appendices I and II between meetings of the Conference of the Parties: 

 a)   Any Party may propose an amendment to Appendix I and II for
      consideration between meetings by the postal procedures set forth
      in this paragraph.

 b)   For marine species, the Secretariat shall, upon receiving the text
      of the proposed amendment, immediately communicate it to the
      Parties. It shall also consult intergovernmental bodies having a
      function in relation to those species especially with a view to
      obtaining scientific data these bodies may be able to provide and
      to ensuring co-ordination with any conservation measures enforced
      by such bodies. The Secretariat shall communicate the views
      expressed and data provided by these bodies and its own findings
      and recommendations to the Parties as soon as possible.

 c)   For species other than marine species, the Secretariat shall, upon
      receiving the text of the proposed amendments, immediately
      communicate it to the Parties, and, as soon as possible thereafter,
      its own recommendations.

 d)   Any Party may, within 60 days of the date on which the Secretariat
      communicated its recommendations to the Parties under
      sub-paragraphs (b) or (c) of this paragraph, transmit to the
      Secretariat any comments on the proposed amendment together with
      any relevant scientific data and information.

 e)   The Secretariat shall communicate the replies received together
      with its own recommendations to the Parties as soon as possible.

 f)   If no objection to the proposed amendment is received by the
      Secretariat within 30 days of the date the replies and
      recommendations were communicated under the provisions of
      sub-paragraph (e) of this paragraph, the amendment shall enter into
      force 90 days later for all Parties except those which make a
      reservation in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article.

 g)   If an objection by any Party is received by the Secretariat the
      proposed amendment shall be submitted to a postal vote in
      accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraphs (h), (i) and (j)
      of this paragraph.

 h)   The Secretariat shall notify the Parties that notification of
      objection has been received.

 i)   Unless the Secretariat receives the votes for, against or in   
      abstention from at least one-half of the Parties within 60 days of
      the date of notification under sub-paragraph (h) of this paragraph,
      the proposed amendment shall be referred to the next meeting of the
      Conference for further consideration.

 j)   Provided that votes are received from one-half of the Parties, the
      amendment shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of Parties
      casting an affirmative or negative vote.

 k)   The Secretariat shall notify all Parties of the result of the vote.

 l)   If the proposed amendment is adopted it shall enter into force 90
      days after the date of the notification by the Secretariat of its
      acceptance for all Parties except those which make a reservation in
      accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article.

3. During the period of 90 days provided for by sub-paragraph (c) of
paragraph 1 or sub-paragraph (l) of paragraph 2 of this Article any Party
may by notification in writing to the Depositary Government make a
reservation with respect to the amendment. Until such reservation is
withdrawn the Party shall be treated as a State not a Party to the
present Convention with respect to trade in the species concerned.

                             Article XVI


1. Any Party may at any time submit to the Secretariat a list of species
which it identifies as being subject to regulation within its
Jurisdiction for the purpose mentioned in paragraph 3 of Article II.
Appendix III shall include the names of the Parties submitting the
species for inclusion therein, the scientific names of the species so
submitted, and any parts or derivatives of the animals or plants
concerned that are specified in relation to the species for the purposes
of sub-paragraph (b) of Article I.

2. Each list submitted under the provisions of paragraph 1 of this
Article shall be communicated to the Parties by the Secretariat as soon
as possible after receiving it. The list shall take effect as part of
Appendix III 90 days after the date of such communication. At any time
after the communication of such list, any Party may by notification in
writing to the Depositary Government enter a reservation with respect to
any species or any parts or derivatives, and until such reservation is
withdrawn, the State shall be treated as a State not a Party to the
present Convention with respect to trade in the species or part or
derivative concerned.

3. A Party which has submitted a species for inclusion in Appendix III
may withdraw it at any time by notification to the Secretariat which
shall communicate the withdrawal to all Parties. The withdrawal shall
take effect 30 days after the date of such communication.

4. Any Party submitting a list under the provisions of paragraph 1 of
this Article shall submit to the Secretariat a copy of all domestic laws
and regulations applicable to the protection of such species, together
with any interpretations which the Party may deem appropriate or the
Secretariat may request. The Party shall, for as long as the species in
question is included in Appendix III, submit any amendments of such laws
and regulations or any new interpretations as they are adopted.

                              Article XVII

                       AMENDMENT OF THE CONVENTION

1. An extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties shall be
convened by the Secretariat on the written request of at least one-third
of the Parties to consider and adopt amendments to the present
Convention. Such amendments shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of
Parties present and voting. For these purposes "Parties present and
voting" means Parties present and casting an affirmative or negative
vote. Parties abstaining from voting shall not be counted among the
two-thirds required for adopting an amendment.

2. The text of any proposed amendment shall be communicated by the
Secretariat to all Parties at least 90 days before the meeting.

3. An amendment shall enter into force for the Parties which have
accepted it 60 days after two-thirds of the Parties have deposited an
instrument of acceptance of the amendment with the Depositary Government.
Thereafter, the amendment shall enter into force for any other Party 60
days after that Party deposits its instrument of acceptance of the

                               Article XVIII

                           RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES

1. Any dispute which may arise between two or more Parties with respect
to the interpretation or application of the provisions of the present
Convention shall be subject to negotiation between the Parties involved
in the dispute.

2. If the dispute cannot be resolved in accordance with paragraph 1 of
this Article, the Parties may, by mutual consent, submit the dispute to
arbitration, in particular that of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at
The Hague, and the Parties submitting the dispute shall be bound by the
arbitral decision.

                                Article XIX


The present Convention shall be open for signature at Washington until 30
April 1973 and thereafter at Berne until 31 December 1974.

                                 Article XX


The present Convention shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or
approval. Instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be
deposited with the Government of the Swiss Confederation which shall be
the Depositary Government.

                                Article XXI


The present Convention shall be open indefinitely for accession.
Instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Depositary

[1. This Convention shall be open for accession by regional economic
integration organizations constituted by sovereign States which have
competence in respect of the negotiation, conclusion and implementation
of international agreements in matters transferred to them by their
Member States and covered by this Convention.

2. In their instruments of accession, such organizations shall declare
the extent of their competence with respect to the matters governed by
the Convention. These organizations shall also inform the Depositary
Government of any substantial modification in the extent of their
competence. Notifications by regional economic integration organizations
concerning their competence with respect to matters governed by this
Convention and modifications thereto shall be distributed to the Parties
by the Depositary Government.

3. In matters within their competence, such regional integration
organizations shall exercise the rights and fulfill the obligations which
this Convention attributes to their Member States, which are Parties to
the Convention. In such cases the Member States of the organizations
shall not be entitled to exercise such rights individually.

4. In the fields of their competence, regional economic integration
organizations shall exercise their right to vote with a number of votes
equal to the number of their Member States which are Parties to the
Convention. Such organizations shall not exercise their right to vote if
their Member States exercise theirs, and vice versa.

5. Any reference to "Party" in the sense used in Article 1(h) of this
Convention to "State"/"States" or to "State Party"/"States Parties" to
the Convention shall be construed as including a reference to any
regional economic integration organization having competence in respect
of the negotiation, conclusion and application of international
agreements in matters covered by this Convention.]**

** The paragraphs in square brackets are an amendment to the Convention
which was adopted at an extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the
Parties in Gaborone (Botswana) on 30 April 1983. The amendment is not yet
in force. It will enter into force when it has been formally accepted by
54 of the 80 States which were Parties to the Convention on that date. By
August 1993 it had been accepted by 31 of those States.

                              Article XXII

                            ENTRY INTO FORCE

1. The present Convention shall enter into force 90 days after the date
of deposit of the tenth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval
or accession, with the Depositary Government.

2. For each State which ratifies, accepts or approves the present
Convention or accedes thereto after the deposit of the tenth instrument
of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, the present
Convention shall enter into force 90 days after the deposit by such State
of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.

                              Article XXIII


1. The provisions of the present Convention shall not be subject to
general reservations. Specific reservations may be entered in accordance
with the provisions of this Article and Articles XV and XVI.
2. Any State may, on depositing its instrument of ratification,
acceptance, approval or accession, enter a specific reservation with
regard to:

 a)   any species included in Appendix I, II, III; or

 b)   any parts or derivatives specified in relation to a species
      included in Appendix III.

3. Until a Party withdraws its reservation entered under the provisions
of this Article, it shall be treated as a State not a Party to the
present Convention with respect to trade in the particular species or
parts or derivatives specified in such reservation.

                                Article XXIV


Any Party may denounce the present Convention by written notification to
the Depositary Government at any time. The denunciation shall take effect
twelve months after the Depositary Government has received the

                                Article XXV


1. The original of the present Convention, in the Chinese, English,
French, Russian and Spanish languages, each version being equally
authentic, shall be deposited with the Depositary Government, which shall
transmit certified copies thereof to all States that have signed it or
deposited instruments of accession to it.

2. The Depositary Government shall inform all signatory and acceding
States and the Secretariat of signatures, deposit of instruments of
ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, entry into force of the
present Convention, amendments thereto, entry and withdrawal of
reservations and notifications of denunciation.

3. As soon as the present Convention enters into force, a certified copy
thereof shall be transmitted by the Depositary Government to the
Secretariat of the United Nations for registration and publication in
accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, being duly
authorized to that effect, have signed the present Convention.

DONE at Washington this third day of March, One Thousand Nine Hundred and


                           OF WILD FAUNA AND FLORA

                             APPENDICES I AND II

   as adopted by the Conference of the Parties, valid as of 16 April 1993


1.    Species included in these appendices are referred to:

      a)    by the name of the species; or
      b)    as being all of the species included in a higher taxon or
            designated part thereof.

2.    The abbreviation "spp." is used to denote all species of a higher

3.    Other references to taxa higher than species are for the purposes of
      information or classification only.

4.    The abbreviation "p.e." is used to denote species that are possibly

5.    An asterisk (*) placed against the name of a species or higher taxon
      indicates that one or more geographically separate populations,
      subspecies or species of that species or taxon are included in
      Appendix I and are excluded from Appendix II.

6.    Two asterisks (**) placed against the name of a species or higher
      taxon indicate that one or more geographically separate populations,
      subspecies or species of that species or taxon are included in
      Appendix II and are excluded from Appendix I.

7.    The symbol (-) followed by a number placed against the name of a
      species or higher taxon denotes that designated geographically
      separate populations, species, groups of species or families of that
      species or taxon are excluded from the appendix concerned, as

    -101  Population of West Greenland
    -102  Populations of Bhutan, India, Nepal and Pakistan
    -103  Population of China
    -104  Population of Australia
    -105  Population of the United States of America
    -106  -      Chile: part of the population of Parinacota Province, Ia.
                 Region of TarapacÊ
          -      Peru: populations of Pampa Galeras National Reserve and
                 Nuclear Zone, Pedregal, Oscconta and Sawacocha (Province
                 of Lucanas), Sais Picotani (Province of Azangaro), Sais
                 Tupac Amaru (Province of JunÁn), and of Salinas Aguada
                 Blanca National Reserve (Provinces of Arequipa and
    -107  Populations of Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal and
    -108  Cathartidae
    -109  Melopsittacus undulatus, Nymphicus hollandicus and Psittacula
    -110  Populations of Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique,
          the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe, and
          populations of the following countries subject to the specified
          annual export quotas:

                                         1992     1993     1994

          Madagascar                    3,100    4,100    4,400
           (ranched specimens:          3,000    4,000    4,300
           wild nuisance specimens:       100      100      100)
          Somalia                         500        0        0
          South Africa                  1,000    1,000    1,000
          Uganda                        2,500    2,500    2,500

          Apart from ranched specimens, the United Republic of Tanzania
          will authorize the export of no more than 100 hunting trophies
          each year, 400 nuisance animals in 1992, 200 a year in 1993 and
          1994 and 100 in 1995 and each following year.

    -111  Populations of Australia and Papua New Guinea, and population of
          Indonesia subject to specified annual export quotas as follows:

                                           1992     1993     1994

          Total                           9,700    8,500     8,500
          Ranched/captive-bred specimens  7,000    7,000     7,000
          Wild specimens                  1,500    1,500     1,500
          Skins in stock                  1,200        0     0

    -112  Population of Indonesia
    -113  Population of Chile
    -114  All species that are not succulent

8.  The symbol (+) followed by a number placed against the name of a
    species or higher taxon denotes that only designated geographically
    separate populations, subspecies or species of that species or taxon
    are included in the appendix concerned, as follows:

    +201  Population of South America (populations outside South America
          are not included in the appendices)
    +202  Populations of Bhutan, India, Nepal and Pakistan
    +203  Populations of Bhutan, China, Mexico and Mongolia
    +204  Populations of Cameroon and Nigeria
    +205  Population of Asia
    +206  Population of India
    +207  Populations of Central and North America
    +208  Population of Australia
    +209  -      Chile: part of the population of Parinacota Province, Ia.
                 Region of TarapacÊ
          -      Peru: populations of Pampa Galeras National Reserve and
                 Nuclear Zone, Pedregal, Oscconta and Sawacocha (Province
                 of Lucanas), Sais Picotani (Province of Azangaro), Sais
                 Tupac Amaru (Province of JunÁn), and of Salinas Aguada
                 Blanca National Reserve (Provinces of Arequipa and
    +210  Populations of Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal and
    +211  Population of Mexico
    +212  Populations of Algeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, the Central
          African Republic, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, the Niger,
          Nigeria, Senegal and the Sudan
    +213  Population of the Sudan.  This listing will enter into force on
          11 July 1992 only, to allow the export of an existing stock of
          8,000 skins between 11 June and 11 July 1992, under specific
          conditions (skins to be tagged, documented and exported under
          the supervision of an independent observer)
    +214  Population of Europe, except the area which formerly constituted
          the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
    +215  Population of Indonesia with a zero export quota.  Export of
          captive-bred specimens of a maximum length of 15 cm will be
          limited to 3,000 in 1993 and 4,000 in 1994 from the operation of
          P.D. Bintang Kalbar, Pontianak, West Kalimantan
    +216  All species of New Zealand
    +217  Population of Chile

9.  The symbol (=) followed by a number placed against the name of a
    species or higher taxon denotes that the name of that species or taxon
    shall be interpreted as follows:

    =301  Includes family Tupaiidae
    =302  Includes generic synonym Leontideus
    =303  Includes synonym Saguinus geoffroyi
    =304  Includes synonym Cercopithecus roloway
    =305  Includes synonym Colobus badius kirki
    =306  Includes synonym Colobus badius rufomitratus
    =307  Includes generic synonym Simias
    =308  Includes generic synonym Mandrillus
    =309  Includes generic synonym Rhinopithecus
    =310  Includes synonyms Bradypus boliviensis and Bradypus griseus
    =311  Includes synonym Priodontes giganteus
    =312  Includes synonym Physeter catodon
    =313  Includes synonym Eschrichtius glaucus
    =314  Includes generic synonym Eubalaena
    =315  Includes synonym Dusicyon fulvipes
    =316  Also referenced as Cerdocyon thous
    =317  Includes generic synonym Fennecus
    =318  Also referenced as Ursus thibetanus
    =319  Also referenced as Aonyx microdon or as Paraonyx microdon
    =320  Includes synonyms Lutra annectens, Lutra enudris, Lutra incarum
          and Lutra platensis
    =321  Includes synonym Eupleres major
    =322  Also referenced as Lynx caracal; includes generic synonym
    =323  Also referenced as Lynx pardinus or Felis lynx pardina
    =324  Includes synonyms Equus kiang and Equus onager
    =325  Includes generic synonym Dama
    =326  Includes generic synonyms Axis and Hyelaphus
    =327  Includes synonym Bos frontalis
    =328  Includes synonym Bos grunniens
    =329  Includes generic synonym Novibos
    =330  Includes generic synonym Anoa
    =331  Includes synonym Oryx tao
    =332  Includes synonym Ovis aries ophion
    =333  Also referenced as Sula abbotti
    =334  Also referenced as Ciconia ciconia boyciana
    =335  Also referenced as Anas platyrhynchos laysanensis
    =336  Also referenced as Aquila heliaca adalberti
    =337  Also referenced as Falco peregrinus pelegrinoides
    =338  Includes synonym Falco babylonicus
    =339  Also referenced as Crax mitu mitu
    =340  Includes generic synonym Aburria
    =341  Formerly included in species Crossoptilon crossoptilon
    =342  Formerly included in species Polyplectron malacense
    =343  Includes synonym Rheinardia nigrescens
    =344  Also referenced as Tricholimnas sylvestris
    =345  Also referenced as Choriotis nigriceps
    =346  Also referenced as Houbaropsis bengalensis
    =347  Also referenced as Amazona dufresniana rhodocorytha
    =348  Often traded under the incorrect designation Ara caninde
    =348a Also referenced as Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae cookii
    =349  Also referenced as Opopsitta diophthalma coxeni
    =350  Also referenced as Geopsittacus occidentalis
    =351  Formerly included in species Psephotus chrysopterygius
    =352  Formerly included in genus Gallirex; also referenced as Tauraco
    =353  Formerly included in species Tauraco corythaix
    =354  Also referenced as Otus gurneyi
    =355  Also referenced as Ninox novaeseelandiae royana
    =356  Formerly included in genus Ramphodon
    =357  Formerly included in genus Rhinoplax
    =357a Also referenced as Pitta brachyura nympha
    =358  Also referenced as Muscicapa ruecki or as Niltava ruecki
    =359  Also referenced as Meliphaga cassidix
    =360  Formerly included in genus Spinus
    =361  Includes generic synonyms Nicoria and Geoemyda (part)
    =362  Also referenced in genus Testudo
    =363  Formerly included in Podocnemis spp.
    =364  Includes Alligatoridae, Crocodylidae and Gavialidae
    =365  Formerly included in Chamaeleo spp.
    =366  Also referenced as Constrictor constrictor occidentalis
    =367  Includes synonym Pseudoboa cloelia
    =368  Also referenced as Hydrodynastes gigas
    =369  Includes generic synonym Megalobatrachus
    =370  Sensu D'Abrera
    =371  Also referenced in genus Dysnomia
    =372  Includes generic synonym Proptera
    =373  Also referenced in genus Carunculina
    =374  Includes generic synonym Micromya
    =375  Includes generic synonym Papuina
    =376  Also referenced as Podophyllum emodi
    =377  Also referenced in genus Echinocactus
    =378  Also referenced in genus Escobaria
    =379  Also referenced as Lobeira macdougallii or as Nopalxochia
    =380  Also referenced as Echinocereus lindsayi
    =381  Also referenced as Wilcoxia schmollii
    =382  Also referenced as Solisia pectinata
    =383  Also referenced as Backebergia militaris
    =384  Also referenced in genus Toumeya
    =385  Also referenced in genus Toumeya or in genus Sclerocactus
    =386  Also referenced as Ancistrocactus tobuschii
    =387  Also referenced in genus Neolloydia or in genus Echinomastus
    =388  Also referenced in genus Neolloydia
    =389  Also referenced as Saussurea lappa
    =390  Also referenced as Engelhardia pterocarpa
    =391  Includes families Apostasiaceae and Cypripediaceae as
          subfamilies Apostasioideae and Cypripedioideae
    =392  Also referenced as Lycaste virginalis var. alba
    =393  Also referenced as Sarracenia rubra alabamensis
    =394  Also referenced as Sarracenia rubra jonesii
    =395  Includes synonym Stangeria paradoxa
    =396  Includes synonym Welwitschia bainesii

10.       The symbol (¿) followed by a number placed against the name of a
          species or higher taxon shall be interpreted as follows:

    ¿501  Annual exports quotas for live specimens and hunting trophies
          are granted as follows:

          Botswana:      5
          Namibia:     150
          Zimbabwe:     50

          The trade in such specimens is subject to the provisions of
          Article III of the Convention

    ¿502  For the exclusive purpose of allowing international trade in
          cloth made from wool sheared from live vicuÛas of the
          populations included in Appendix II (see +209), and of items
          made thereof. The reverse side of the cloth must bear the
          logotype adopted by the range states of the species, which are
          signatories to the Convenio para la Conservaci¢n y Manejo de la
          VicuÛa, and the selvages either the words VICU´ANDES-CHILE or
          the words VICU´ANDES-PERU, depending on the country of origin

    ¿503  Fossils are not subject to CITES provisions

    ¿504  Tissue cultures and flasked seedling cultures are not subject to
          the provisions of the Convention

11.       In accordance with Article I, paragraph b, sub-paragraph (iii),
          of the Convention, the symbol (#) followed by a number placed
          against the name of a species or higher taxon included in
          Appendix II designates parts or derivatives which are specified
          in relation thereto for the purposes of the Convention as

    #1    Designates all parts and derivatives, except:
          a)     seeds, spores and pollen (including pollinia); and
          b)     tissue cultures and flasked seedling cultures

    #2    Designates all parts and derivatives, except:
          a)     seeds and pollen;
          b)     tissue cultures and flasked seedling cultures; and
          c)     chemical derivatives

    #3    Designates roots and readily recognizable parts thereof

    #4    Designates all parts and derivatives, except:
          a)     seeds and pollen;
          b)     tissue cultures and flasked seedling cultures;
          c)     fruits and parts and derivatives thereof of naturalized or
                 artificially propagated plants; and
          d)     separate stem joints (pads) and parts and derivatives
                 thereof of naturalized or artificially propagated plants
                 of the genus Opuntia subgenus Opuntia

    #5    Designates saw-logs, sawn wood and veneers

    #6    Designates all parts and derivatives, except:
          a)     seeds and pollen;
          b)     tissue cultures and flasked seedling cultures; and
          c)     separate leaves and parts and derivatives thereof of
                 naturalized or artificially propagated plants of the
                 species Aloe vera

    #7    Designates all parts and derivatives, except:
          a)     seeds and pollen (including pollinia);
          b)     tissue cultures and flasked seedling cultures;
          c)     cut flowers of artificially propagated plants; and
          d)     fruits and parts and derivatives thereof of artificially
                 propagated plants of the genus Vanilla

12.       As none of the species or higher taxa of FLORA included in
          Appendix I is annotated to the effect that their hybrids shall
          be treated in accordance with the provisions of Article III of
          the Convention, this means that artificially propagated hybrids
          produced from one or more of these species or taxa may be traded
          with a certificate of artificial propagation, and that seeds and
          pollen (including pollinia), cut flowers, tissue cultures and
          flasked seedling cultures of these hybrids are not subject to
          the provisions of the Convention.

                     APPENDIX I                     APPENDIX II



Tachyglossidae                                      Zaglossus spp.


Dasyuridae           Sminthopsis longicaudata
                     Sminthopsis psammophila

Thylacinidae         Thylacinus cynocephalus p.e.

Peramelidae          Chaeropus ecaudatus p.e.
                     Perameles bougainville

Thylacomyidae        Macrotis lagotis
                     Macrotis leucura

Phalangeridae                                       Phalanger maculatus
                                                    Phalanger orientalis

Burramyidae                                         Burramys parvus

Vombatidae           Lasiorhinus krefftii

Macropodidae         Bettongia spp.
                     Caloprymnus campestris p.e.
                                                    Dendrolagus inustus
                                                    Dendrolagus lumholtzi
                                                    Dendrolagus ursinus
                     Lagorchestes hirsutus
                     Lagostrophus fasciatus
                     Onychogalea fraenata
                     Onychogalea lunata


Pteropodidae                                        Acerodon spp.
                                                    Pteropus spp. *
                     Pteropus insularis
                     Pteropus mariannus
                     Pteropus molossinus
                     Pteropus phaeocephalus
                     Pteropus pilosus
Pteropodidae (cont.) Pteropus samoensis
                     Pteropus tonganus

PRIMATES                                            PRIMATES spp. * =301

Lemuridae            Lemuridae spp.
Cheirogaleidae       Cheirogaleidae spp.

Indriidae            Indriidae spp.

Daubentoniidae       Daubentonia madagascariensis

Callithricidae       Callithrix jacchus aurita
                     Callithrix jacchus flaviceps
                     Leontopithecus spp. =302
                     Saguinus bicolor
                     Saguinus leucopus
                     Saguinus oedipus =303

Callimiconidae       Callimico goeldii

Cebidae              Alouatta palliata
                     Ateles geoffroyi frontatus
                     Ateles geoffroyi panamensis
                     Brachyteles arachnoides
                     Cacajao spp.
                     Chiropotes albinasus
                     Lagothrix flavicauda
                     Saimiri oerstedii

Cercopithecidae      Cercocebus galeritus galeritus
                     Cercopithecus diana =304
                     Colobus pennantii kirki =305
                     Colobus rufomitratus =306
                     Macaca silenus
                     Nasalis spp. =307
                     Papio leucophaeus =308
                     Papio sphinx =308
                     Presbytis entellus
                     Presbytis geei
                     Presbytis pileata
                     Presbytis potenziani
                     Pygathrix spp. =309

Hylobatidae          Hylobatidae spp. 

Pongidae             Pongidae spp.


Myrmecophagidae                                     Myrmecophaga tridactyla

Bradypodidae                                        Bradypus variegatus

Dasypodidae          Priodontes maximus =311


Manidae                                             Manis crassicaudata
                                                    Manis javanica
                                                    Manis pentadactyla
                     Manis temminckii


Leporidae            Caprolagus hispidus
                     Romerolagus diazi


Sciuridae            Cynomys mexicanus
                                                    Ratufa spp.

Muridae              Leporillus conditor
                     Pseudomys praeconis
                     Xeromys myoides
                     Zyzomys pedunculatus

Chinchillidae        Chinchilla spp. +201

CETACEA                                             CETACEA spp. *

Platanistidae        Lipotes vexillifer
                     Platanista spp.

Ziphiidae            Berardius spp.
                     Hyperoodon spp.

Physeteridae         Physeter macrocephalus =312

Delphinidae          Sotalia spp.
                     Sousa spp.

Phocoenidae          Neophocaena phocaenoides
                     Phocoena sinus

Eschrichtidae        Eschrichtius robustus =313

Balaenopteridae      Balaenoptera acutorostrata ** -101
                     Balaenoptera borealis
                     Balaenoptera edeni
                     Balaenoptera musculus
                     Balaenoptera physalus
                     Megaptera novaeangliae

Balaenidae           Balaena spp. =314
                     Caperea marginata


Canidae              Canis lupus ** +202            Canis lupus * -102
                                                    Chrysocyon brachyurus
                                                    Cuon alpinus
                                                    Dusicyon culpaeus
                                                    Dusicyon griseus =315
                                                    Dusicyon gymnocercus
                                                    Dusicyon thous =316
                     Speothos venaticus
                                                    Vulpes cana
                                                    Vulpes zerda =317

Ursidae                                             Ursidae spp. *
                     Ailuropoda melanoleuca
                     Helarctos malayanus
                     Melursus ursinus
                     Selenarctos thibetanus =318
                     Tremarctos ornatus
                     Ursus arctos ** +203
                     Ursus arctos isabellinus

Procyonidae                                         Ailurus fulgens

Mustelidae           Aonyx congica ** +204 =319
                                                    Conepatus humboldtii
                     Enhydra lutris nereis
                     Lutra felina
                     Lutra longicaudis =320
                     Lutra lutra
                     Lutra provocax
                                                    Lutrinae spp. *
                     Mustela nigripes
                     Pteronura brasiliensis

Viverridae                                          Cryptoprocta ferox
                                                    Cynogale bennettii
                                                    Eupleres goudotii =321
                                                    Fossa fossa
                                                    Hemigalus derbyanus
Viverridae (cont.)                                  Prionodon linsang
                     Prionodon pardicolor

Hyaenidae            Hyaena brunnea

Felidae                                             Felidae spp. *
                     Acinonyx jubatus ¿501
                     Felis bengalensis bengalensis ** -103
                     Felis caracal ** +205 =322
                     Felis concolor coryi
                     Felis concolor costaricensis
                     Felis concolor cougar
                     Felis geoffroyi
                     Felis jacobita
                     Felis marmorata
                     Felis nigripes
                     Felis pardalis
                     Felis pardina =323
                     Felis planiceps
                     Felis rubiginosa ** +206
                     Felis temmincki
                     Felis tigrina
                     Felis wiedii
                     Felis yagouaroundi ** +207
                     Neofelis nebulosa
                     Panthera leo persica
                     Panthera onca
                     Panthera pardus
                     Panthera tigris
                     Panthera uncia


Otariidae                                           Arctocephalus spp. *
                     Arctocephalus townsendi

Phocidae                                            Mirounga leonina
                     Monachus spp.


Elephantidae         Elephas maximus
                     Loxodonta africana


Dugongidae           Dugong dugon ** -104           Dugong dugon * +208

Trichechidae         Trichechus inunguis
                     Trichechus manatus
                                                    Trichechus senegalensis


Equidae              Equus africanus
                     Equus grevyi
                                                    Equus hemionus * =324
                     Equus hemionus hemionus
                     Equus hemionus khur
                     Equus przewalskii
                                                    Equus zebra hartmannae
                     Equus zebra zebra

Tapiridae            Tapiridae spp. **
                                                    Tapirus terrestris

Rhinocerotidae       Rhinocerotidae spp.


Suidae               Babyrousa babyrussa
                     Sus salvanius

Tayassuidae                                         Tayassuidae spp. * -105
                     Catagonus wagneri

Hippopotamidae                                      Choeropsis liberiensis

Camelidae                                           Lama guanicoe
                     Vicugna vicugna ** -106        Vicugna vicugna * +209

Cervidae             Blastocerus dichotomus
                     Cervus dama mesopotamicus =325
                     Cervus duvauceli
                                                    Cervus elaphus
                     Cervus elaphus hanglu
                     Cervus eldi
                     Cervus porcinus annamiticus =326
                     Cervus porcinus calamianensis =326
                     Cervus porcinus kuhli =326
                     Hippocamelus spp.
                     Moschus spp. ** +210           Moschus spp. * -107
                     Muntiacus crinifrons
                     Ozotoceros bezoarticus
                                                    Pudu mephistophiles
                     Pudu pudu

Bovidae              Addax nasomaculatus
                                                    Ammotragus lervia
                     Antilocapra americana +211 
                     Bison bison athabascae
                     Bos gaurus =327
                     Bos mutus =328
                     Bos sauveli =329
                     Bubalus depressicornis =330
                     Bubalus mindorensis =330
                     Bubalus quarlesi =330
                                                    Budorcas taxicolor
                     Capra falconeri
                     Capricornis sumatraensis
                                                    Cephalophus dorsalis
                     Cephalophus jentinki
                                                    Cephalophus monticola
                                                    Cephalophus ogilbyi
                                                    Cephalophus sylvicultor
                                                    Cephalophus zebra
                                                    Damaliscus dorcas
                     Gazella dama
                     Hippotragus niger variani
                                                    Kobus leche
                     Nemorhaedus goral
                     Oryx dammah =331
                     Oryx leucoryx
                                                    Ovis ammon *
                     Ovis ammon hodgsoni
                                                    Ovis canadensis +211
                     Ovis orientalis ophion =332
                     Ovis vignei
                     Pantholops hodgsoni
                     Rupicapra rupicapra ornata



Struthionidae        Struthio camelus +212

Rheidae              Pterocnemia pennata
                                                    Rhea americana


Tinamidae                                           Rhynchotus rufescens
                                                    Rhynchotus rufescens
                                                    Rhynchotus rufescens
                     Tinamus solitarius


Spheniscidae                                        Spheniscus demersus
                     Spheniscus humboldti


Podicipedidae        Podilymbus gigas


Diomedeidae          Diomedea albatrus


Pelecanidae          Pelecanus crispus

Sulidae              Papasula abbotti =333

Fregatidae           Fregata andrewsi


Balaenicipitidae                                    Balaeniceps rex

Ciconiidae           Ciconia boyciana =334
                                                    Ciconia nigra
                     Jabiru mycteria
                     Mycteria cinerea

Threskiornithidae                                   Eudocimus ruber
                                                    Geronticus calvus
                     Geronticus eremita
                     Nipponia nippon
                                                    Platalea leucorodia

Phoenicopteridae                                    Phoenicopteridae spp.

Anatidae                                            Anas aucklandica
                                                    Anas aucklandica
                     Anas aucklandica nesiotis
                                                    Anas bernieri
                                                    Anas formosa
                     Anas laysanensis =335
                     Anas oustaleti
                     Branta canadensis leucopareia
                                                    Branta ruficollis
                     Branta sandvicensis
                     Cairina scutulata
                                                    Coscoroba coscoroba
                                                    Cygnus melanocorypha
                                                    Dendrocygna arborea
                                                    Oxyura leucocephala
                     Rhodonessa caryophyllacea p.e.
                                                    Sarkidiornis  melanotos

FALCONIFORMES                                       FALCONIFORMES spp. *

Cathartidae          Gymnogyps californianus
                     Vultur gryphus

Accipitridae         Aquila adalberti =336
                     Aquila heliaca
                     Chondrohierax uncinatus wilsonii
                     Haliaeetus albicilla
                     Haliaeetus leucocephalus
                     Harpia harpyja
                     Pithecophaga jefferyi

Falconidae           Falco araea
                     Falco jugger
                     Falco newtoni aldabranus
                     Falco pelegrinoides =337
                     Falco peregrinus =338
                     Falco punctatus
                     Falco rusticolus


Megapodiidae         Macrocephalon maleo

Cracidae             Crax blumenbachii
                     Mitu mitu mitu =339
                     Oreophasis derbianus
                     Penelope albipennis
                     Pipile jacutinga =340
                     Pipile pipile pipile =340

Phasianidae                                         Argusianus argus
                     Catreus wallichii
                     Colinus virginianus ridgwayi
                     Crossoptilon crossoptilon
                     Crossoptilon harmani =341
                     Crossoptilon mantchuricum
                                                    Gallus sonneratii
                                                    Ithaginis cruentus
                     Lophophorus spp.
                     Lophura edwardsi
                     Lophura imperialis
                     Lophura swinhoii
                                                    Pavo muticus
                     Polyplectron emphanum
                                                    Polyplectron germaini
                                                    Polyplectron malacense
                     Rheinardia ocellata =343
                     Syrmaticus ellioti
                     Syrmaticus humiae
                     Syrmaticus mikado
                     Tetraogallus caspius
                     Tetraogallus tibetanus
                     Tragopan blythii
                     Tragopan caboti
                     Tragopan melanocephalus
                     Tympanuchus cupido attwateri


Turnicidae                                          Turnix melanogaster

Pedionomidae                                        Pedionomus torquatus

Gruidae                                             Gruidae spp. *
                     Grus americana
                     Grus canadensis nesiotes
                     Grus canadensis pulla
                     Grus japonensis
                     Grus leucogeranus
                     Grus monacha
                     Grus nigricollis
                     Grus vipio

Rallidae                                            Gallirallus australis
                     Gallirallus sylvestris =344

Rhynochetidae        Rhynochetus jubata

Otididae                                            Otididae spp. *
                     Ardeotis nigriceps =345
                     Chlamydotis undulata
                     Eupodotis bengalensis =346


Scolopacidae         Numenius borealis
                     Numenius tenuirostris
                     Tringa guttifer

Laridae              Larus relictus


Columbidae           Caloenas nicobarica
                     Ducula mindorensis
                                                    Gallicolumba luzonica
                                                    Goura spp.

PSITTACIFORMES                                      PSITTACIFORMES spp. *

Psittacidae          Amazona arausiaca
                     Amazona barbadensis
                     Amazona brasiliensis
                     Amazona guildingii
                     Amazona imperialis
Psittacidae (cont.)  Amazona leucocephala
                     Amazona pretrei
                     Amazona rhodocorytha =347
                     Amazona tucumana
                     Amazona versicolor
                     Amazona vinacea
                     Amazona vittata
                     Anodorhynchus spp.
                     Ara ambigua
                     Ara glaucogularis =348
                     Ara macao
                     Ara maracana
                     Ara militaris
                     Ara rubrogenys
                     Aratinga guarouba
                     Cacatua goffini
                     Cacatua haematuropygia
                     Cacatua moluccensis
                     Cyanopsitta spixii
                     Cyanoramphus auriceps forbesi
                     Cyanoramphus cookii =348a
                     Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae
                     Cyclopsitta diophthalma coxeni =349
                     Neophema chrysogaster
                     Ognorhynchus icterotis
                     Pezoporus occidentalis p.e. =350
                     Pezoporus wallicus
                     Pionopsitta pileata
                     Probosciger aterrimus
                     Psephotus chrysopterygius
                     Psephotus dissimilis =351
                     Psephotus pulcherrimus p.e.
                     Psittacula echo
                     Psittacus erithacus princeps
                     Pyrrhura cruentata
                     Rhynchopsitta spp.
                     Strigops habroptilus


Musophagidae                                        Musophaga
                                                    porphyreolophus =352
                                                    Tauraco corythaix
                                                    Tauraco fischeri =353
                                                    Tauraco livingstonii
                                                    Tauraco persa =353
                                                    Tauraco schalowi =353
                                                    Tauraco schuettii =353

STRIGIFORMES                                        STRIGIFORMES  spp. *

Tytonidae            Tyto soumagnei

Strigidae            Athene blewitti
                     Mimizuku gurneyi =354
                     Ninox novaeseelandiae undulata =355
                     Ninox squamipila natalis


Trochilidae                                         Trochilidae spp. *
                     Glaucis dohrnii =356


Trogonidae           Pharomachrus mocinno


Bucerotidae                                         Aceros spp. *
                     Aceros nipalensis
                     Aceros subruficollis
                                                    Anorrhinus spp.
                                                    Anthracoceros spp.
                                                    Buceros spp. *
                     Buceros bicornis
                     Buceros vigil =357
                                                    Penelopides spp.
                                                    Ptilolaemus spp.


Ramphastidae                                        Pteroglossus aracari
                                                    Pteroglossus viridis
                                                    Ramphastos sulfuratus
                                                    Ramphastos toco
                                                    Ramphastos tucanus
                                                    Ramphastos vitellinus

Picidae              Campephilus imperialis
                     Dryocopus javensis richardsi


Cotingidae           Cotinga maculata
                                                    Rupicola spp.
                     Xipholena atropurpurea

Pittidae                                            Pitta nympha =357a
                                                    Pitta guajana
                     Pitta gurneyi
                     Pitta kochi

Atrichornithidae     Atrichornis clamosus

Hirundinidae         Pseudochelidon sirintarae

Muscicapidae                                        Cyornis ruckii =358
                     Dasyornis broadbenti litoralis p.e.
                     Dasyornis longirostris
                     Picathartes spp.

Zosteropidae         Zosterops albogularis

Meliphagidae         Lichenostomus melanops cassidix =359

Emberizidae                                         Gubernatrix cristata
                                                    Paroaria capitata
                                                    Paroaria coronata

Fringillidae         Carduelis cucullata =360
                                                    Carduelis yarrellii

Estrildidae                                         Poephila cincta cincta

Sturnidae            Leucopsar rothschildi

Paradisaeidae                                       Paradisaeidae spp.



Dermatemydidae                                      Dermatemys mawii

Emydidae             Batagur baska
                                                    Clemmys insculpta
                     Clemmys muhlenbergi
                     Geoclemys hamiltonii
                     Kachuga tecta tecta
                     Melanochelys tricarinata =361
                     Morenia ocellata
                     Terrapene coahuila

Testudinidae                                        Testudinidae  spp. *
                     Geochelone elephantopus =362
                     Geochelone radiata =362
                     Geochelone yniphora =362
                     Gopherus flavomarginatus
                     Psammobates geometricus =362

Cheloniidae          Cheloniidae spp.

Dermochelyidae       Dermochelys coriacea

Trionychidae         Lissemys punctata punctata
                     Trionyx ater
                     Trionyx gangeticus
                     Trionyx hurum
                     Trionyx nigricans

Pelomedusidae                                       Erymnochelys
                                                    madagascariensis =363
                                                    Podocnemis spp.

Chelidae             Pseudemydura umbrina

CROCODYLIA                                          CROCODYLIA spp. * =364

Alligatoridae        Alligator sinensis
                     Caiman crocodilus apaporiensis
                     Caiman latirostris
                     Melanosuchus niger

Crocodylidae         Crocodylus acutus
                     Crocodylus cataphractus
                     Crocodylus intermedius
Crocodylidae (cont.) Crocodylus moreletii
                     Crocodylus niloticus ** -110
                     Crocodylus niloticus +213
                     Crocodylus novaeguineae mindorensis
                     Crocodylus palustris
                     Crocodylus porosus ** -111
                     Crocodylus rhombifer
                     Crocodylus siamensis
                     Osteolaemus tetraspis
                     Tomistoma schlegelii

Gavialidae           Gavialis gangeticus


Sphenodontidae       Sphenodon punctatus


Gekkonidae                                          Cyrtodactylus
                                                    Phelsuma spp.

Agamidae                                            Uromastyx spp.

Chamaeleonidae                                      Bradypodion spp. =365
                                                    Chamaeleo spp.

Iguanidae                                           Amblyrhynchus cristatus
                     Brachylophus spp.
                                                    Conolophus spp.
                     Cyclura spp.
                                                    Iguana spp.
                                                    Phrynosoma coronatum
                     Sauromalus varius

Lacertidae           Gallotia simonyi
                                                    Podarcis lilfordi
                                                    Podarcis pityusensis

Cordylidae                                          Cordylus spp.
                                                    Pseudocordylus spp.

Teiidae                                             Cnemidophorus
                                                    Crocodilurus lacertinus
                                                    Dracaena spp.
                                                    Tupinambis spp.

Scincidae                                           Corucia zebrata

Xenosauridae                                        Shinisaurus

Helodermatidae                                      Heloderma spp.

Varanidae                                           Varanus spp. *
                     Varanus bengalensis
                     Varanus flavescens
                     Varanus griseus
                     Varanus komodoensis


Boidae                                              Boidae spp. * 
                     Acrantophis spp.
                     Boa constrictor occidentalis =366
                     Bolyeria multocarinata
                     Casarea dussumieri
                     Epicrates inornatus
                     Epicrates monensis
                     Epicrates subflavus
                     Python molurus molurus
                     Sanzinia madagascariensis

Colubridae                                          Clelia clelia =367
                                                    Cyclagras gigas =368
                                                    Ptyas mucosus

Elapidae                                            Hoplocephalus
                                                    Naja naja
                                                    Ophiophagus hannah

Viperidae            Vipera ursinii +214
                                                    Vipera wagneri



Ambystomidae                                        Ambystoma dumerilii
                                                    Ambystoma mexicanum

Cryptobranchidae     Andrias spp. =369


Bufonidae            Atelopus varius zeteki
                                                    Bufo retiformis
                     Bufo superciliaris
                     Nectophrynoides spp.

Myobatrachidae                                      Rheobatrachus spp.

Dendrobatidae                                       Dendrobates spp.
                                                    Phyllobates spp.

Ranidae                                             Rana hexadactyla
                                                    Rana tigerina

Microhylidae         Dyscophus antongilii



Ceratodidae                                         Neoceratodus forsteri


Coelacanthidae       Latimeria chalumnae


Acipenseridae        Acipenser brevirostrum
                                                    Acipenser oxyrhynchus
                     Acipenser sturio

Polyodontidae                                       Polyodon spathula


Osteoglossidae                                      Arapaima gigas
                     Scleropages formosus ** -112   Scleropages formosus *


Cyprinidae                                          Caecobarbus geertsi
                     Probarbus jullieni

Catostomidae         Chasmistes cujus


Schilbeidae          Pangasianodon gigas


Sciaenidae           Cynoscion macdonaldi



Papilionidae                                        Bhutanitis spp.
                                                    Ornithoptera  spp. *
                     Ornithoptera alexandrae
                     Papilio chikae
                     Papilio homerus
                     Papilio hospiton
                                                    Parnassius apollo
                                                    Teinopalpus spp.
                                                    Trogonoptera spp. =370
                                                    Troides spp. =370



Theraphosidae                                       Brachypelma smithi



Hirudinidae                                         Hirudo medicinalis



Tridacnidae                                         Tridacnidae spp.


Unionidae            Conradilla caelata
                                                    Cyprogenia aberti
                     Dromus dromas
                     Epioblasma curtisi =371
                     Epioblasma florentina =371
                     Epioblasma sampsoni =371
                     Epioblasma sulcata perobliqua =371
                     Epioblasma torulosa gubernaculum
                                                    Epioblasma torulosa
                     Epioblasma torulosa torulosa =371
                     Epioblasma turgidula =371
                     Epioblasma walkeri =371
                     Fusconaia cuneolus
                     Fusconaia edgariana
                                                    Fusconaia subrotunda
                                                    Lampsilis brevicula
                     Lampsilis higginsi
                     Lampsilis orbiculata orbiculata
                     Lampsilis satura
                     Lampsilis virescens
                     Plethobasus cicatricosus
                     Plethobasus cooperianus
                                                    Pleurobema clava
                     Pleurobema plenum
                     Potamilus capax =372
                     Quadrula intermedia
                     Quadrula sparsa
                     Toxolasma cylindrella =373
                     Unio nickliniana
                     Unio tampicoensis tecomatensis
                     Villosa trabalis =374


Achatinellidae       Achatinella spp.

Camaenidae                                          Papustyla pulcherrima

Paryphantidae                                       Paryphanta spp. +216

Strombidae                                          Strombus gigas


ANTIPATHARIA                                        ANTIPATHARIA  spp.

SCLERACTINIA                                        SCLERACTINIA spp. ¿503



Milleporidae                                        Milleporidae spp. ¿503

Stylasteridae                                       Stylasteridae spp. ¿503


COENOTHECALIA                                       COENOTHECALIA spp. ¿503


Tubiporidae                                         Tubiporidae spp. ¿503

F L O R A 

AGAVACEAE            Agave arizonica
                     Agave parviflora
                                                    Agave victoriae-reginae
                     Nolina interrata

AMARYLLIDACEAE                                      Galanthus spp. #1
                                                    Sternbergia spp. #1

APOCYNACEAE                                         Pachypodium spp. * #1
                     Pachypodium baronii
                     Pachypodium brevicaule
                     Pachypodium decaryi
                     Pachypodium namaquanum
                                                    Rauvolfia serpentina #2

ARACEAE                                             Alocasia sanderiana #1

ARALIACEAE                                          Panax quinquefolius #3

ARAUCARIACEAE        Araucaria araucana ** +217     Araucaria araucana *
                                                    -113 #1

ASCLEPIADACEAE                                      Ceropegia spp. #1
                                                    Frerea indica #1

BERBERIDACEAE                                       Podophyllum hexandrum
                                                    =376 #2

BROMELIACEAE                                        Tillandsia harrisii #1
                                                    Tillandsia kammii #1
                                                    Tillandsia kautskyi #1
                                                    Tillandsia mauryana #1
                                                    Tillandsia sprengeliana
                                                    Tillandsia sucrei #1
                                                    Tillandsia xerographica

BYBLIDACEAE                                         Byblis spp. #1

CACTACEAE                                           CACTACEAE spp. * #4
                     Ariocarpus spp.
                     Astrophytum asterias =377
                     Aztekium ritteri
                     Coryphantha minima =378
                     Coryphantha sneedii =378
                     Coryphantha werdermannii
                     Discocactus spp.
                     Disocactus macdougallii =379
                     Echinocereus ferreirianus
                     var. lindsayi =380
                     Echinocereus schmollii =381
                     Leuchtenbergia principis
                     Mammillaria pectinifera =382
                     Mammillaria plumosa
                     Mammillaria solisioides
                     Melocactus conoideus
                     Melocactus deinacanthus
                     Melocactus glaucescens
                     Melocactus paucispinus
                     Obregonia denegrii
                     Pachycereus militaris =383
                     Pediocactus bradyi =384
                     Pediocactus despainii
                     Pediocactus knowltonii =384
                     Pediocactus papyracanthus =385
                     Pediocactus paradinei
                     Pediocactus peeblesianus =384
                     Pediocactus sileri
                     Pediocactus winkleri
                     Pelecyphora spp.
                     Sclerocactus brevihamaticus =386
                     Sclerocactus erectocentrus =387
                     Sclerocactus glaucus
                     Sclerocactus mariposensis =387
                     Sclerocactus mesae-verdae
                     Sclerocactus pubispinus
                     Sclerocactus wrightiae
                     Strombocactus disciformis
                     Turbinicarpus spp. =388
                     Uebelmannia spp.

CARYOCARACEAE                                       Caryocar costaricense

CEPHALOTACEAE                                       Cephalotus follicularis

COMPOSITAE           Saussurea costus =389

CRASSULACEAE         Dudleya stolonifera
                     Dudleya traskiae

CUPRESSACEAE         Fitzroya cupressoides
                     Pilgerodendron uviferum

CYATHEACEAE                                         CYATHEACEAE spp. #1

CYCADACEAE                                          CYCADACEAE spp. * #1
                     Cycas beddomei

DIAPENSIACEAE                                       Shortia galacifolia #1

DICKSONIACEAE                                       DICKSONIACEAE spp. #1

DIDIEREACEAE                                        DIDIEREACEAE  spp. #1

DIOSCOREACEAE                                       Dioscorea deltoidea #1

DROSERACEAE                                         Dionea muscipula #1

ERICACEAE                                           Kalmia cuneata #1

EUPHORBIACEAE                                       Euphorbia spp. -114 #1
                     Euphorbia ambovombensis
                     Euphorbia cylindrifolia
                     Euphorbia decaryi
                     Euphorbia francoisii
                     Euphorbia moratii
                     Euphorbia parvicyathophora
                     Euphorbia primulifolia
                     Euphorbia quartziticola
                     Euphorbia tulearensis

FOUQUIERIACEAE                                      Fouquieria columnaris
                     Fouquieria fasciculata
                     Fouquieria purpusii

JUGLANDACEAE                                        Oreomunnea pterocarpa
                                                    =390 #1
 (FABACEAE)          Dalbergia nigra
                                                    Pericopsis elata #5

LILIACEAE                                           Aloe spp. * #6
                     Aloe albida
                     Aloe pillansii
                     Aloe polyphylla
                     Aloe thorncroftii
                     Aloe vossii

MELIACEAE                                           Swietenia humilis #1
                                                    Swietenia mahagoni #5

NEPENTHACEAE                                        Nepenthes spp. * #1
                     Nepenthes khasiana
                     Nepenthes rajah

ORCHIDACEAE                                         ORCHIDACEAE spp. *
                                                    =391 #7
                     Cattleya skinneri ¿504
                     Cattleya trianae ¿504
                     Didiciea cunninghamii ¿504
                     Laelia jongheana ¿504
                     Laelia lobata ¿504
                     Lycaste skinneri var. alba =392 ¿504
                     Paphiopedilum spp. ¿504
                     Peristeria elata ¿504
                     Phragmipedium spp. ¿504
                     Renanthera imschootiana ¿504
                     Vanda coerulea ¿504

PALMAE                                              Chrysalidocarpus
 (ARECACEAE)                                        #1
                                                    Neodypsis decaryi #1

PINACEAE             Abies guatemalensis

PODOCARPACEAE        Podocarpus parlatorei

PORTULACACEAE                                       Anacampseros spp. #1
                                                    Lewisia cotyledon #1
                                                    Lewisia maguirei #1
                                                    Lewisia serrata #1
                                                    Lewisia tweedyi #1

PRIMULACEAE                                         Cyclamen spp. #1

PROTEACEAE           Orothamnus zeyheri
                     Protea odorata

RUBIACEAE            Balmea stormiae

SARRACENIACEAE                                      Darlingtonia
                                                    californica #1
                                                    Sarracenia spp. * #1
                     Sarracenia alabamensis alabamensis
                     Sarracenia jonesii =394
                     Sarracenia oreophila

STANGERIACEAE        Stangeria eriopus =395

THEACEAE                                            Camellia chrysantha #1

WELWITSCHIACEAE                                     Welwitschia mirabilis
                                                    =396 #1

ZAMIACEAE                                           ZAMIACEAE spp. * #1
                     Ceratozamia spp.
                     Chigua spp.
                     Encephalartos spp.
                     Microcycas calocoma

ZINGIBERACEAE                                       Hedychium philippinense

ZYGOPHYLLACEAE                                      Guaiacum officinale #1
                                                    Guaiacum sanctum #1


                          OF WILD FAUNA AND FLORA

                                APPENDIX III

                             as of 11 June 1992


1.    References to taxa higher than species are for the purpose of
      information or classification only.

2.    The symbol (=) followed by a number placed against the name of a
      species denotes that the name of that species shall be interpreted
      as follows:

      =397  Includes synonym Tamandua mexicana
      =398  Includes synonym Cabassous gymnurus
      =399  Includes synonym Manis longicaudata
      =400  Includes generic synonym Coendou
      =401  Includes generic synonym Cuniculus
      =402  Includes synonym Vulpes vulpes leucopus
      =403  Includes synonym Nasua narica
      =404  Includes synonym Galictis allamandi
      =405  Includes synonym Martes gwatkinsi
      =406  Includes generic synonym Viverra
      =407  Also referenced as Tragelaphus eurycerus; includes generic
            synonym Taurotragus
      =408  Formerly included as Bubalus bubalis (domesticated form)
      =409  Also referenced as Ardeola ibis
      =410  Also referenced as Egretta alba
      =411  Also referenced as Hagedashia hagedash
      =412  Also referenced as Lampribis rara
      =413  Also referenced as Spatula clypeata
      =414  Also referenced as Nyroca nyroca
      =415  Includes synonym Dendrocygna fulva
      =416  Also referenced as Cairina hartlaubii
      =417  Also referenced as Crax pauxi
      =418  Also referenced as Arborophila brunneopectus (in part)
      =419  Also referenced as Turturoena iriditorques or as Columba
            malherbii (in part)
      =420  Also referenced as Nesoenas mayeri
      =421  Also referenced as Treron australis (in part)
      =422  Also referenced as Calopelia brehmeri; includes synonym
            Calopelia puella
      =423  Also referenced as Tympanistria tympanistria
      =424  Also referenced as Tchitrea bourbonnensis
      =424a Also referenced as Xanthopsar flavus
      =424b Also referenced as Serinus gularis (in part)
      =425  Also referenced as Estrilda subflava or as Sporaeginthus
      =426  Also referenced as Lagonosticta larvata (in part)
      =427  Includes generic synonym Spermestes
      =428  Also referenced as Euodice cantans; includes synonym Lonchura
      =429  Also referenced as Hypargos nitidulus
      =430  Also referenced as Parmoptila woodhousei (in part)
      =431  Includes synonyms Pyrenestes frommi and Pyrenestes rothschildi
      =432  Also referenced as Estrilda bengala
      =433  Also referenced as Malimbus rubriceps or as Anaplectes
      =434  Also referenced as Coliuspasser ardens
      =435  Also referenced as Euplectes orix (in part)
      =436  Also referenced as Coliuspasser macrourus
      =437  Also referenced as Ploceus superciliosus
      =438  Includes synonym Ploceus nigriceps
      =439  Also referenced as Sitagra luteola
      =440  Also referenced as Sitagra melanocephala
      =441  Also referenced as Hypochera chalybeata; includes synonyms
            Vidua amauropteryx, Vidua centralis, Vidua neumanni, Vidua
            okavangoensis and Vidua ultramarina
      =442  Also referenced as Vidua paradisaea (in part)
      =443  Also referenced as Pelusios subniger
      =444  Formerly included in genus Natrix

3.    The names of the countries placed against the names of species are
      those of the Parties submitting these species for inclusion in this

4.    In accordance with Article I, paragraph (b), sub-paragraphs (ii) and
      (iii), of the Convention, and with Resolutions Conf. 4.24 and Conf.
      6.18, the symbol (#) followed by a number placed against the name of
      a species included in Appendix III designates parts or derivatives
      which are specified in relation thereto for the purposes of the
      Convention as follows:

      #1    Designates all readily recognizable parts and derivatives,
            a)    seeds, spores and pollen (including pollinia); and
            b)    tissue cultures and flasked seedling cultures.




Phyllostomidae       Vampyrops lineatus             Uruguay


Myrmecophagidae      Tamandua tetradactyla =397     Guatemala

Choloepidae          Choloepus hoffmanni            Costa Rica

Dasypodidae          Cabassous centralis            Costa Rica
                     Cabassous tatouay =398         Uruguay


Manidae              Manis gigantea                 Ghana
                     Manis tetradactyla =399        Ghana
                     Manis tricuspis                Ghana


Sciuridae            Epixerus ebii                  Ghana
                     Marmota caudata                India
                     Marmota himalayana             India
                     Sciurus deppei                 Costa Rica

Anomaluridae         Anomalurus beecrofti           Ghana
                     Anomalurus derbianus           Ghana
                     Anomalurus peli                Ghana
                     Idiurus macrotis               Ghana

Hystricidae          Hystrix cristata               Ghana

Erethizontidae       Sphiggurus mexicanus =400      Honduras
                     Sphiggurus spinosus =400       Uruguay

Agoutidae            Agouti paca =401               Honduras

Dasyproctidae        Dasyprocta punctata            Honduras


Canidae              Canis aureus                   India
                     Vulpes bengalensis             India
                     Vulpes vulpes griffithi        India
                     Vulpes vulpes montana          India
                     Vulpes vulpes pusilla =402     India

Procyonidae          Bassaricyon gabbii             Costa Rica
                     Bassariscus sumichrasti        Costa Rica
                     Nasua nasua =403               Honduras
                     Nasua nasua solitaria          Uruguay
                     Potos flavus                   Honduras

Mustelidae           Eira barbara                   Honduras
                     Galictis vittata =404          Costa Rica
                     Martes flavigula =405          India
                     Martes foina intermedia        India
                     Mellivora capensis             Botswana, Ghana
                     Mustela altaica                India
                     Mustela erminea                India
                     Mustela kathiah                India
                     Mustela sibirica               India

Viverridae           Arctictis binturong            India
                     Civettictis civetta =406       Botswana
                     Paguma larvata                 India
                     Paradoxurus hermaphroditus     India
                     Paradoxurus jerdoni            India
                     Viverra megaspila              India
                     Viverra zibetha                India
                     Viverricula indica             India

Herpestidae          Herpestes auropunctatus        India
                     Herpestes edwardsi             India
                     Herpestes fuscus               India
                     Herpestes smithii              India
                     Herpestes urva                 India
                     Herpestes vitticollis          India

Protelidae           Proteles cristatus             Botswana


Odobenidae           Odobenus rosmarus              Canada


Hippopotamidae       Hippopotamus amphibius         Ghana

Tragulidae           Hyemoschus aquaticus           Ghana

Cervidae             Cervus elaphus barbarus        Tunisia
                     Mazama americana cerasina      Guatemala
                     Odocoileus virginianus mayensis             Guatemala

Bovidae              Antilope cervicapra            Nepal
                     Boocercus eurycerus =407       Ghana
                     Bubalus arnee =408             Nepal
                     Damaliscus lunatus             Ghana
                     Gazella cuvieri                Tunisia
                     Gazella dorcas                 Tunisia
                     Gazella leptoceros             Tunisia
Bovidae (cont.)      Tetracerus quadricornis        Nepal
                     Tragelaphus spekei             Ghana



Ardeidae             Ardea goliath                  Ghana
                     Bubulcus ibis =409             Ghana
                     Casmerodius albus =410         Ghana
                     Egretta garzetta               Ghana

Ciconiidae           Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis  Ghana
                     Leptoptilos crumeniferus       Ghana

Threskiornithidae    Bostrychia hagedash =411       Ghana
                     Bostrychia rara =412           Ghana
                     Threskiornis aethiopicus       Ghana


Anatidae             Alopochen aegyptiacus          Ghana
                     Anas acuta                     Ghana
                     Anas capensis                  Ghana
                     Anas clypeata =413             Ghana
                     Anas crecca                    Ghana
                     Anas penelope                  Ghana
                     Anas querquedula               Ghana
                     Aythya nyroca =414             Ghana
                     Cairina moschata               Honduras
                     Dendrocygna autumnalis         Honduras
                     Dendrocygna bicolor =415       Ghana, Honduras
                     Dendrocygna viduata            Ghana
                     Nettapus auritus               Ghana
                     Plectropterus gambensis        Ghana
                     Pteronetta hartlaubii =416     Ghana


Cathartidae          Sarcoramphus papa              Honduras


Cracidae             Crax alberti                   Colombia
                     Crax daubentoni                Colombia
                     Crax globulosa                 Colombia
                     Crax rubra                     Colombia, Costa Rica,
                                                    Guatemala, Honduras
                     Ortalis vetula                 Guatemala, Honduras
                     Pauxi pauxi =417               Colombia
                     Penelope purpurascens          Honduras
                     Penelopina nigra               Guatemala

Phasianidae          Agelastes meleagrides          Ghana
                     Agriocharis ocellata           Guatemala
                     Arborophila charltonii         Malaysia
                     Arborophila orientalis =418    Malaysia
                     Caloperdix oculea              Malaysia
                     Lophura erythrophthalma        Malaysia
                     Lophura ignita                 Malaysia
                     Melanoperdix nigra             Malaysia
                     Polyplectron inopinatum        Malaysia
                     Rhizothera longirostris        Malaysia
                     Rollulus rouloul               Malaysia
                     Tragopan satyra                Nepal


Burhinidae           Burhinus bistriatus            Guatemala


Columbidae           Columba guinea                 Ghana
                     Columba iriditorques =419      Ghana
                     Columba livia                  Ghana
                     Columba mayeri =420            Mauritius
                     Columba unicincta              Ghana
                     Oena capensis                  Ghana
                     Streptopelia decipiens         Ghana
                     Streptopelia roseogrisea       Ghana
                     Streptopelia semitorquata      Ghana
                     Streptopelia senegalensis      Ghana
                     Streptopelia turtur            Ghana
                     Streptopelia vinacea           Ghana
                     Treron calva =421              Ghana
                     Treron waalia                  Ghana
                     Turtur abyssinicus             Ghana
                     Turtur afer                    Ghana
                     Turtur brehmeri =422           Ghana
                     Turtur tympanistria =423       Ghana


Psittacidae          Psittacula krameri             Ghana


Musophagidae         Corythaeola cristata           Ghana
                     Crinifer piscator              Ghana
                     Musophaga violacea             Ghana
                     Tauraco macrorhynchus          Ghana


Capitonidae          Semnornis ramphastinus         Colombia

Ramphastidae         Baillonius bailloni            Argentina
                     Pteroglossus castanotis        Argentina
                     Ramphastos dicolorus           Argentina
                     Selenidera maculirostris       Argentina


Cotingidae           Cephalopterus ornatus          Colombia
                     Cephalopterus penduliger       Colombia

Muscicapidae         Bebrornis rodericanus          Mauritius
                     Terpsiphone bourbonnensis =424              Mauritius

Icteridae            Agelaius flavus =424a          Uruguay

Fringillidae         Serinus canicapillus =424b     Ghana
                     Serinus leucopygius            Ghana
                     Serinus mozambicus             Ghana

Estrildidae          Amadina fasciata               Ghana
                     Amandava subflava =425         Ghana
                     Estrilda astrild               Ghana
                     Estrilda caerulescens          Ghana
                     Estrilda melpoda               Ghana
                     Estrilda troglodytes           Ghana
                     Lagonosticta rara              Ghana
                     Lagonosticta rubricata         Ghana
                     Lagonosticta rufopicta         Ghana
                     Lagonosticta senegala          Ghana
                     Lagonosticta vinacea =426      Ghana
                     Lonchura bicolor =427          Ghana
                     Lonchura cantans =428          Ghana
                     Lonchura cucullata =427        Ghana
                     Lonchura fringilloides =427    Ghana
                     Mandingoa nitidula =429        Ghana
                     Nesocharis capistrata          Ghana
                     Nigrita bicolor                Ghana
                     Nigrita canicapilla            Ghana
                     Nigrita fusconota              Ghana
                     Nigrita luteifrons             Ghana
                     Ortygospiza atricollis         Ghana
                     Parmoptila rubrifrons =430     Ghana
                     Pholidornis rushiae            Ghana
                     Pyrenestes ostrinus =431       Ghana
                     Pytilia hypogrammica           Ghana
                     Pytilia phoenicoptera          Ghana
                     Spermophaga haematina          Ghana
                     Uraeginthus bengalus =432      Ghana

Ploceidae            Amblyospiza albifrons          Ghana
                     Anaplectes rubriceps =433      Ghana
                     Anomalospiza imberbis          Ghana
                     Bubalornis albirostris         Ghana
                     Euplectes afer                 Ghana
                     Euplectes ardens =434          Ghana
                     Euplectes franciscanus =435    Ghana
Ploceidae (cont.)    Euplectes hordeaceus           Ghana
                     Euplectes macrourus =436       Ghana
                     Malimbus cassini               Ghana
                     Malimbus malimbicus            Ghana
                     Malimbus nitens                Ghana
                     Malimbus rubricollis           Ghana
                     Malimbus scutatus              Ghana
                     Pachyphantes superciliosus =437             Ghana
                     Passer griseus                 Ghana
                     Petronia dentata               Ghana
                     Plocepasser superciliosus      Ghana
                     Ploceus albinucha              Ghana
                     Ploceus aurantius              Ghana
                     Ploceus cucullatus =438        Ghana
                     Ploceus heuglini               Ghana
                     Ploceus luteolus =439          Ghana
                     Ploceus melanocephalus =440    Ghana
                     Ploceus nigerrimus             Ghana
                     Ploceus nigricollis            Ghana
                     Ploceus pelzelni               Ghana
                     Ploceus preussi                Ghana
                     Ploceus tricolor               Ghana
                     Ploceus vitellinus             Ghana
                     Quelea erythrops               Ghana
                     Sporopipes frontalis           Ghana
                     Vidua chalybeata =441          Ghana
                     Vidua interjecta               Ghana
                     Vidua larvaticola              Ghana
                     Vidua macroura                 Ghana
                     Vidua orientalis =442          Ghana
                     Vidua raricola                 Ghana
                     Vidua togoensis                Ghana
                     Vidua wilsoni                  Ghana

Sturnidae            Gracula religiosa              Thailand



Trionychidae         Trionyx triunguis              Ghana

Pelomedusidae        Pelomedusa subrufa             Ghana
                     Pelusios adansonii             Ghana
                     Pelusios castaneus             Ghana
                     Pelusios gabonensis =443       Ghana
                     Pelusios niger                 Ghana


Colubridae           Atretium schistosum            India
                     Cerberus rhynchops             India
                     Xenochrophis piscator =444     India

Elapidae             Micrurus diastema              Honduras
                     Micrurus nigrocinctus          Honduras

Viperidae            Agkistrodon bilineatus         Honduras
                     Bothrops asper                 Honduras
                     Bothrops nasutus               Honduras
                     Bothrops nummifer              Honduras
                     Bothrops ophryomegas           Honduras
                     Bothrops schlegelii            Honduras
                     Crotalus durissus              Honduras
                     Vipera russellii               India


GNETACEAE            Gnetum montanum #1             Nepal

MAGNOLIACEAE         Talauma hodgsonii #1           Nepal

PAPAVERACEAE         Meconopsis regia #1            Nepal

PODOCARPACEAE        Podocarpus neriifolius #1      Nepal

TETRACENTRACEAE      Tetracentron sinense  #1       Nepal.

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